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The Right Owner And Ideal Environment For A Maremma

The Maremma Sheepdog was bred to be livestock guardians. They are very independent, intelligent, and protective large dogs. They are used in many different continents from the Americas to Australia. They are considered one of the best livestock guardian dogs, but not ideal for a family pet. This is because this dog really does need to be involved in its role of guardian or it will become highly possessive of any small territory or family members it thinks it is responsible for guarding. In a herding activity, the dog is smart enough to be left alone for days with the sheep and it will continue to guard and protect them against predators. Some of the newer pups being bred have been bred for a smaller size and to be more suitable as companion dogs. [...]

Tending Its Flock Is Serious Business

You can take the dog out of the flock, but you can't take the guarding instinct out of the Maremma Sheepdog. This dog is sometimes thought of as the best sheep herding and guard dog around. It has guarding instincts that can range from a fierce attack on wolves to a careful tending of an injured lamb. The Maremma Sheepdog is such a dutiful guard dog that you can leave it unattended for several days and it will continue to guard the flock, even when you aren't there. [...]

Briquet Griffon Vendeen In The City

The Briquet Griffon Vendeen is a dog that was bred for the benefit of the hunter. He is supposed to be by his master's side, ready to track and more than ready to be a gundog for their needs. With that said; you can bring your dog into the city and have him do well. This dog does need a bit of specialized attention, though, in that regard. For many owners, it takes only a bit of planning and time to make sure that the Briquet Griffon Vendeen has everything he needs to be happy and healthy in a city life even if that is not what he was meant to be. [...]

Is the Chinese Crested Right For You?

With their small frame and thick hair, the Chinese Crested dog is certainly a near irresistible temptation to anyone looking for a new addition to the family. However, as with any breed, a potential Chinese Crested adopter needs to make an evaluation of the dog's needs and their own capability to meet these needs. Too often a dog lover jumps headfirst into adopting a dog without doing their research first and, finding the demands a little much, or simply not being capable of meeting them, the dog is sent back to the breeder until a new home can be found. For the sake of their own emotional and mental health, a dog of any breed requires consistency in their environment and so, any dog lover who is truly sympathetic to our furry friends needs to evaluate the situation first, rather than, as so many have done, 'give it a try' and risk doing psychological damage to the dog. [...]

The Dandie Is An Ideal Dog for Your Home

With the small size of the Dandie (11-18 inches), and the fact that it sheds very little in spite of its rough and somewhat long coat, it makes a great dog for any type of home environment. They are quite ideal for apartments since they don't need much space indoors and must be walked on a leash anyway because of their tendency to run away and chase things due to their nature as hunters. [...]

Choosing the Right Puppy

It is sometimes difficult when looking at all of the cute puppies to choose the Dandie Dinmont Terrier puppy that is right for your home. You have to consider several things besides just appearance when you choose the one you want to take home. The most important consideration is his temperament, especially if you have children. Even though the breed is usually quite patient with children, sometimes a particular dog may be less than patient with young children. You may not notice this in puppies, but if you meet the parents, and both of them are somewhat short-tempered with small children, there's a good possibility the puppies are, so you want to consider that. Of course, you want to meet them away from the puppies because otherwise, the behavior can be attributed to nothing more than fear for the safety of the puppies. [...]

The Myths of Owning a Neapolitan Mastiff

With males reaching up to one hundred seventy pounds, the Neapolitan Mastiff is definitely one of the largest breeds in the canine world. Their sizeable physique is often mesmerizing, leaving many to wonder exactly what goes into owning such a creature. Unfortunately, its size can also lead to many misconceptions. Those who know a bit about the dog's history may assume that the Neo is purely aggressive or that they have a penchant for being destructive or unapproachable. As many have come to find, getting to know a Neo easily blows any and all preconceptions right out of the water. [...]

Creating a Happy Space for the Neapolitan Mastiff

Many assume that owning a Neapolitan Mastiff means not only needing an extensive amount of room, but spending any and all free time making sure the breed gets enough exercise. While it is true that the Neo is probably not a good breed for apartment living, one will not need to live on a farm or spend every spare moment running up and down hills with their dog. Owning a Neapolitan Mastiff will require a good sized yard, moderate exercise, and an owner who is calm but capable and willing to take the upper hand with their Neo from the start. Failing to do so can result in a power struggle where the Neo actually has the brute strength to get his or her own way. [...]

Living With The Tibetan Terrier

Living with your Tibetan Terrier is an important consideration before bringing the dog breed into your home. The good news is that it is readily willing to adapt to its surroundings including living in a smaller apartment or a location with limited room, assuming that you can provide the dog with enough activity. Yet, there are a few other things to take into consideration with this breed of dog. You most definitely want to provide him with the activity and attention he needs and provide him with a safe, secure environment. [...]

Choosing A Tibetan Terrier For The Right Reason

The Tibetan Terrier is a dog breed that offers many things. It is a beautiful dog, perfect for just about any home that can give it the attention that it needs. When selecting the right dog to bring home, be sure that the dog is selected based on your goals for it. These dogs can be loving companions. They are also great as show dogs, if you would like them to be. What's more, you may be interested in purchasing a Tibetan Terrier for breeding. Each of these is a unique benefit that the dogs can provide to you, and each can offer you an amazing experience. You must select the right dog for you, based on what you would like to do with it. [...]

The Right Living Space For A German Pinscher

The German Pinscher is not a huge dog, although they are a very active and energetic breed and need their exercise space and time on a daily basis. The German Pinscher is also very adaptable and can adjust to many different living spaces, however when considering a German Pinscher for your home it is critical to give some thought for the comfort of the dog as well as his or her requirements for space and exercise room. The German Pinscher can adjust to apartment life if he or she is raised in a living space without a yard and has lots of exercise breaks throughout the day. Typically German Pinschers that are used to a lot of space or a fenced yard to run and play in during the day will find an apartment a somewhat difficult adjustment which can result in some destructive type behaviors such as chewing or even barking. Overall the German Pinscher is not a problem barker, so this is directly a result of boredom and lack of exercise space, not an overall concern with the breed. [...]

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